Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Mishap on the Road to Mecca

Mustafa Al Saeed

Two years ago, I decided to go Mecca in the summer, because it was cheap and it has good conditions. Mecca is in the west of Saudi Arabia and my city is on the east of it. There is about a thousand and three hundred kilometers between my city and Mecca. It was everything good in first.

I got the bus that I should go by, and then we stopped in the middle of the trip. A driver told us you have an hour and half to finished praying and eating dinner. In fact I prayed and ate my dinner and then I needed the bathroom. I was late going more than 10 minutes. I went out, and no bus. Then I asked some people who work in that station about the bus, and just one of them said it was gone. I asked about if I could get a taxi or something like that, also they said no, because this is a place very way a far from cities. They said you could go with any bus that is not full, but we don’t want you go with any one of them, because some of the drivers are criminals. So I decided to brainstorm to solve this problem. I called my brother and I asked him if he could give me the phone number for that bus company which I traveled with, and he gave me the phone number. Than I called the tourist group, and I told them about what had happened.

After an hour the bus came to me and the driver was blaming, so I asked him why did you go without check a people whom are with you. He said no I told you all about you had to come after an hour and a half.

I told my family and my friends about this story they said, yeah it was not good luck but you should relax if you face something not good, because your mind doesn’t work while you are worried.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mustafa,
    You must have been upset at that time. But the bus came back for you, so you were not unlucky. In Japan, it's impossible. I think Japanese are more punctual than other citizen, maybe. (but I'm not so punctual as a Japanese.....)
