Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Obtain Power In the Desert

Mustafa Al Saeed

I would like to share with my mates something I know and did at my farm in Saudi Arabia and I think they will enjoy knowing how to do it. It is making a small generator that runs on wind and solar energy.

My farm is faraway from an area that has electricity yet we need energy so we can stay up at night and if we want to use anything that needs power to work. We could obtain power from a generator. However a generator is expensive, and needs petrol. Furthermore every time we bought a generator it would not work after seven months or less than a year because the weather in my country exhausts the machines. Thereby I was thinking about any idea that could help me, even I lost money. Then I was invited to have dinner in the desert with my old friends, and I found that they use solar cells and a dynamo to generate electricity.

It was very cheap. It did not cost more than 250 NZ dollars. I just bought a big battery, which is used in trucks, however it was second hand, and a dynamo that generates power for a car. I have one that I bought from a second hand car place. I also found a long pole, and a fan with wires that does not work.

I took the blades from the fan and fixed those blades to the dynamo, and then I connected the wires between the dynamo, the solar cell and the battery. I sited the dynamo on the pole and then I left the pole and steadied it on the land. Then I connected every light, my television and receiver to the battery, and finally I put the solar cell outside on the rooftop. It is enough to work for 6 hours at night. But it depends on the weather. It is a very good idea for a small trip or a house faraway from town.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Learning To Play A Musical Instrument When You Are Mature

Araceli Munoz

Don’t think that you aren’t able to learn a musical instrument just because you aren’t young enough or because you don’t have an ear for music. Music doesn’t have age and you can always train you ear. Don't you doubt it, if you like music, you can make this dream come true.

It’s of great important that you can have a good teacher. Maybe it is more important that she knows to teach, than she is a genius at music. Your teacher has to help you to discover which is the best form of or strategy for learning music. Make sure that she understands your interests, tastes and preferences. But if, you finally see that this system doesn’t fit you well you can change strategy or maybe teacher.

The most important thing is being constant and persistent. If you want to learn to play an instrument you should practice. Make an effort to prepare your lessons everyday. Be patient and take all the time that you need to acquire your knowledge of music and to assimilate all the things that you have learned. Don’t give up if at first it’s difficult for you learning musical language and you don’t make progress quickly. You shouldn’t desist from your attempt easily.

You should enjoy music and you might not worry if your music doesn’t sound good or your musical notes aren’t right or precise. Try to be relaxed and to have a good time. Think that you don’t have any exams, you have got nothing to lose, and you don’t have to demonstrate anything to anybody.

Take every opportunity to try to play musical pieces or songs that you like and you can enjoy. Look for a moment to appreciate music in your free time. Bear in mind that the time that you dedicate to music is also a time that you dedicate to yourself. You can take it as a break in your busy life or a moment of relaxation.

Finally, remember that studying music can not only improve your musical skills, but also stimulate your mind. You will be able to see that in a little time your memory, coordination and concentration will get better and this improvement will be able to help in other spheres of your life.

How To Be Successful in Exams

Fatmah Al Naser

How good are you at coping in exams? Do you know what to do if you have exams? Read my suggestion to be successful in exams.

First of all, study hard, that makes you confident in exams and remember the key points of knowledge. Also sleep very well before going to the exam. That will help you to focus on the right answers. If you do not know the solutions to some questions, do not panic. Try to be relaxed, and then the information will come to you smoothly. Don’t be late for exams because that will not make you relaxed. Eat breakfast before taking an exam and do not drink too much tea or coffee because a lot of tea and coffee makes you stressed and nervous.

Follow these instructions and you will successful in exams. Good luck!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Achievements: The Child’s Wishes or The Parent’s Ambitions?

Araceli Munoz

Years ago, Iskander and Noraisha Yusof were the youngest siblings ever to be accepted at university, and their sister Sufiah began university when she was 13 years old. They were taught by their father, who was a mathematician, and they never went to school. But, these siblings haven’t shared the same luck. Iskander and Noraisha continued with their studies successfully, while Sufiah’s life has gone from bad to worse since she began university. She felt that her life was controlled by her father and his academic interests.

The case of Sufiah is the same as some other prodigy children, who cannot bear their parents’ pressure or the expectations that people put on them, or also, their lack of adaptation to an uncommon social environment.

Gifted children have to improve their skills but without being isolated from the rest of society with whom they have to live together, sooner or later. Maybe they should develop their learning without the necessity of stopping being children. They should go to school and not lose contact with other children of the same age.

In these times, stress also affects most children, who have to do numerous extra-school activities (music, languages, sports and so on). Often parents force children to do what they had liked doing and they haven’t been able to do. So, do our children have to be a reflection of our own defeats? And in the end, are the obtained achievements the achievements that they wanted to obtain or, maybe, the ones their parents wanted them to obtain? Is it the parents or children who decide where and how to triumph?

On the other hand, what should they sacrifice of their life to obtain this achievement? What price do they have to pay? And, to what extent can academic achievements be important if they don’t go accompanied by success in one’s personal life?

And finally, why do we need them to stop being children so soon? Perhaps this is only a parents’ choice. Some parents want their children to grow so fast, and others, like me, like enjoying the childhood of their children, although they know that this time will not last forever. Just as a Catalan song says: “Nothing or nobody can avoid them suffering, hands drawing on the clock, that they decide by themselves and that they make mistakes, that they grow and one day they say to us goodbye”.

Fabiola Arredondo!

Fatmah Al Naser

Fabiola Arredondo has achieved an unusual amount. She was born in Spain, and she studied in the USA and is married to a South African. She worked as managing director of Yahoo!

Nowadays, she is a director of Rodale, which is an authoritative source for trusted content in health, fitness and wellness around the world. She was managing director of Yahoo Europe, and she provided the leadership that enabled Yahoo Europe to become one of the leading Internet companies in Europe, achieving solid financial and overall business performance.

She has really changed the world through her management of such a successful company.

I really admire her because she made Yahoo a successful company in a short time. I have learned from her how I can be patient and how can I make a great plan for my future.

Reflections on some prodigies

Mustafa Al Saeed

Iskander Yousif and his sister have graduated without studying at school. They just studied at university straight away, majoring in maths. Earlier, their father taught them at home, and he has good experience in mathematics. Furthermore, Iskander started his study at university when he was 12 years old. Sufiah, who is Iskander oldest sister, was accepted for study at Oxford University when she was just 13 years old.

They do not say how they studied at home, but I suppose that the father taught them regularly and used some materials from schools, in addition he is intelligent and would have worked hard in his teaching.

It is extremely likely that family is very intelligent to study at university so very young and be successful. Mathematics is not an easy subject, I studied more than ten maths papers at university, though my subject was not maths but computing. It is not very difficult to understand a lot of mathematical theories but the most complicated thing is to apply the theories in work or in life. I am very interested in maths and I know it is very hard to study that subject. Not only young or teenagers that did not study at school before, but adults who finished their high school, find it very hard. Maths is a tool for every science, especially in the technology part. Technology relies on maths.

Introducing Halle Berry

Yuko Iwata

Halle Berry is a famous, successful, and beautiful woman. She is an African American. Really, she is half white and half black but her mother decided to categorize her as black, because her mother knew that even though Halle was half white, she would be discriminated against in her country as a black person.

Halle was beautiful when she was young. In the 1980s, she entered several beauty contests, winning Miss Teen All-American in 1985 and Miss Ohio in 1986. She was the 1986 Miss USA, and the first African-American Miss World entrant in 1986.

She has succeeded after changing her profession to an actress. She has starred in many films and Berry's performance has been recognized with several awards, including an Emmy and a Golden Globe.

But she has not always been happy. Berry has been the victim of domestic violence, and now works to help other victims. In 2005, she said "Domestic violence is something I've known about since I was a child. My mother was a victim of it. Early on in my life I made a choice, and I chose men that were abusive because that was what I knew growing up … the first time it happened, I knew enough to keep moving.” Berry has indicated that she planned to adopt children.

To tell the truth, I didn’t know her name until I read the textbook. At first, I didn’t have any interest in her achievement. I thought most of her achievements were about her beauty. Also I had thought that there isn’t racial discrimination in Hollywood anymore, but when people admire her for her success, they never forget to say “It was the first time for an African American.” It makes me realize that she is still discriminated against. But she looks noble all the time, though she has had tough luck in her private life. I think that she has dignity as an actress, as a woman and as a black person. That is the reason why I am attracted to her.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Similarities or the Differences: Which Interest You?

Wayne (Weimin) Li

If you know the structure of our brain, you will wonder how interesting our brain is! Experts have shown that our brain is technically divided into two parts. One is named ‘white matter’ and the other is grey matter’. The former one, mainly functions to help us transfer information, the latter’s major potentiality is to help us think.
As we all know, most women can do multi-tasking. They can talk to a boss on the telephone, cook dinner and keep an eye on the baby at the same time. In this women come out top every time.
But, as you know, men are good at spatial tasks. Usually, this kind of ability is associated with sports, exercise, physical movement and so on. As a male, I tend to the spatial skill, which is important to me. So you know, I don’t like doing things like women who can do lots of things at the same time. It’s difficult and in a way leads to mistakes and troubles. Whereas, the reason why I prefer spatial ability is I like doing sports and painting. I can use my imagination to do these things well. And another reason is that I’d like to be a designer, which was my dream when I was a child. It has already past, but I still remember it. I wish it would come true in the future.
In my opinion, I’d prefer being interested in the differences between male and female, because we don’t spend time on the common things that both genders have. Actually, we are more interested in the differences. It’s our natural curiosity.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Does Size Really Matter?

Araceli Munoz

The brain is a mysterious organ that has fascinated scientists of all times. During a lot of time experts have tried to discover how it works and its connection with human behaviour. Everyday more is known about the brain and its relation to the control of our body, our emotions and our learning capacity, and regarding our behaviour and cognition. But the brain is still a big unknown for us, and a lot of times these isn’t a clear explanation of how brain works with regard to these issues.

Maybe because human behaviour and mental processes are very difficult to objectify, their study is very complex. The frontier between biological and social processes isn’t clear, though to explain human behaviour we can turn to biological or socio-cultural factors, or maybe a combination of both. And this combination implies another dilemma too: which came first, the chicken or the egg? Do some skills that have an origin in biological processes entail posterior socio-cultural changes? Or perhaps some environmental factors can involve changes in our body as time goes by? What skills are innate and which ones are acquired and a fruit of socialization?

So, some skills associated with men or with women maybe have to do more with learned habits, behaviours or practices than with innate abilities. Are men innately less emotive, delicate and sensitive than women? Or maybe this has to do more with the fact that in the majority of societies it isn’t very well looked upon that men show their feelings?

But the ambiguity of this frontier between the biological and the social also sometimes entails an abuse of biologistic[1] explanations about some skills in order to justify social relations of power between people of different genders, ethnic groups or social classes. Likewise, other times biologistic explanations have been used to try to justify the rejection and discrimination that a part of the society exerts overt minority social groups. It isn’t so long ago that homosexuality was erroneously considered a mental illness. Therefore, sometimes some manifestly social behaviours have been pathologised or medicalised, looking for reasons in biology or medicine that can justify inequality in our societies.

A lot of men have tried to justify their position of power in front of women in society saying that their intelligence is bigger than women’s or that women are better gifted for some skills related to the domestic scope. During a lot of time the idea that men were more intelligent, because they had bigger brains than women, has dominated (showing the obsession that a lot of men had and have with regard to the size of things). Currently, it has been demonstrated that brain size is only important with regard to body size, because the larger the body is, the larger the part of the brain used to controlling this body has to be (ask an elephant!). But the amount of grey matter, focused on thinking, in men is the same as in woman.

I can’t deny that biological differences between men and women exist. But I refuse to think that these differences can justify any position of power of men in front of women. People have to be careful because it’s very easy to create stereotypes based in differences and later to reify[2] them as if they are absolute truths.

[1] Biologistic / Biologism: “Use of biological principles in explaining human especially social behaviour” (WordReference.com)

[2] Reify: “Consider an abstract concept to be real” (WordReference.com)

We Complete Each Other

Fatmah Al Naser

Recently, there has been a lot of research about the human brain. Many scientists try to know how the human brain works during sleep hours. Also, they do many experiments on animals' brains.

The important thing about the human brain is it consists of two halves, known as the left and right hemispheres. The two halves of the brain process information in different ways. In addition, the women's brain is smaller than men's. I think the differences between male and female brain make life easy and sometimes difficult.

The interesting things about the brain are the woman's brain is able to do many things at the same time while the man's brain does not have this ability. These brain differences appear in the career choices men and women make.

In conclusion I would like to say the differences between men and women's brain are important, because they complete each other.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Some Fascinating Differences between Men & Women

Afnan Khadawurdi

Certainly they are different, the minds of men and women. I think though this doesn’t depend on the brain in men being bigger than women.

I read in one study about whether the minds of men and women are different or similar? The answer was of course different. Because the mind in men is like boxes for example. A box for the house, a box for work, a box for children, a box for watching and a box for a waif and so on. And if he went into one of these boxes, he couldn’t move to another one very fast because every one is autonomous. For example one day I was sick and my husband offered to look after my daughter and also, cook the dinner. After one hour I woke up because my daughter had cried, and the phone was ringing and also the room wasn’t tidy but he achieved one job. He could cook the dinner. Whereas, actually a woman’s brain is like a net such as the Internet which has a lot of connections between different situations. This thing makes women use communication perfectly and able to do multiple things at one time.

Also, one study showed women talk a lot rather than listen, yet on the other hand men prefer to listen than talk and they calculated how many words men and women talk per a day. It was found women use12,000 words and men use 8,000 words. Also, the teachers at school noticed girls speak faster than boys. Also, women’s dreams have a lot of details whereas some men don’t often dream and if they have dreams they will be very simple. I noticed that my father dreams very rarely and I have a lot of dreams every day.

Finally, one study said that men prefer to express their feeling by fighting or something like that but women prefer to use talk.

Accordingly, I believe that God gives different things to men and women, and women have been created to give more than take.

How Can We Explain the Differences Between Male & Female Salaries?

Jingyi Zheng

Female MBA graduates not only earn significantly less than their male colleagues, but the gap is growing over time, according to a paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research. The authors tracked the earnings of 1,600 MBAs who graduated from the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business between 1990 and 2006; they attribute the differences to choice of subjects (women took fewer finance courses), that women’s careers were subject to more interruptions, and that the women worked fewer hours than the men. Why? Maybe some women MBAs had children, and many cut back on hours, but these factors are unlikely to have played much of a role in the pay gap.
The most important reason is gender gaps on the brain. At the University of California at Irvine, psychologist Richard Haire's findings show striking differences in the way male and female brains work.
Men have more grey matter, they use it to solve the problems. But in women' heads, the white matter connecting different parts of the brain does most of the work. By the age of 12, the geometry area of girl's brain looks like an eight-year-old boy's brain-- They're four years behind. So,this is why girls usually don't like subjects like economics and mathematics. And girls' spatial abilities are worse than boys .So they also don't like sports and architectonics. Because of these reasons it is difficult for women to find jobs. So it leads to the gap in earnings.
However these factors don't determine that boys are more excellent than girls.Because the language area of a boy's brain is three-to-four years behind the language area of a girl's brain. So most girls are good at writing ,speaking and analyzing information.More interestingly, girls' emotion is richer than boys'. It is very important, because if girls didn't have rich emotion, what would the world become?
Although people all have brains, the different functions make for a colorful world, they make our life richer and richer.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sex Vs. Gender

Yuko Iwata

When we think about “the mind” we need to distinguish sex and gender. Sometimes we confuse them. Sex is innate and gender is acquired. Males and females are different from each other when they are born. And both sexes have different biological roles. Thus, physical equity is not perfect for us.

Of course, there are some exceptions: A girl who is very tall and good at playing football, and on the other hand, a boy who is good at cooking but weak at math. It’s possible. We don’t have to feel strange. So, the most important matter is that we shouldn’t write them down as male or female. Also we shouldn’t close down possibilities.

By the way, when I talk about the gender gap, I was interested in an experiment with toddlers. It revealed that male and female are quite different from each other when they are such a young age.

Now I will tell you about my daughter. When she was only 1 and half years old and she still had a diaper, my aunt took her to the toy shop and said, “You can choose anything what you want. I’ll give it to you.” There were many big and expensive toys, but my daughter chose a cheap small box with play jewelry. My aunt, who has two sons, was surprised and said, “My boys would never choose such a box. She is a lady already!”

Finding the boundary between innate and acquired is difficult. But we are the same human beings and if we want to make society comfortable, we shouldn’t have “gender bias” and we should be “gender free”.

Gender & the Mind: Reflections Based On Observing My Parents

Mustafa Al Saeed

The mind consists of two sides (the right and the left) and each side consists of billions of small cells. I have been told there are differences between women’s minds and men’s minds.

I remember my mother could do cooking, call my school, listen to the radio and looked after my brother, and those days when she taught me and my sisters and my brother, she could organize her time very sharply.

On the other hand my father can work very hard and he had worked in the biggest government oil company in the world and every weekend he took us to the sea. It is very hard work. The ordeal is not the sailing, but the weather, because the temperature in Saudi Arabia in the summer is more than 50 degrees and we could go there but my mother and my sisters could not go with us because it is very hard work for women. That is using the mind also because sometimes the boat’s engine stopped working while we were in the middle of the sea, and my father could fix it very easily while my mother could not understand how it works, and every time my father wanted to teach my mother something of mechanics, she could not understand perfectly as my father, and every time my mother taught him how he could take care of their baby he could not do that while listing to the radio.

The men use a left side of their minds more than a right side, and the opposite is true for women.

I believe women use their right side because it is more important than the left for them. Also men use their left side because it is more important than the right for them. Men and women are created different and thus they have different minds.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wannabe Boy Racers

Mohammed Al Munsef

It happened when I was teenager of 16 years old. I was driving my car slowly on street at midnight and my uncle was with me. His name is Ali. He is the same age as me. We were listening to pop music and we put the volume higher, so that every one could hear it, even from far away.

After a while a sports car passed me, and my cousin said to me this car could not pass us. When he finished talking I told him to put on his seatbelt. I changed the speed from 80 K.M to 190 K.M an hour to catch the sports car. We were nearly catching him, when the driver who drove the sports car saw us coming fast. He turned on his signal light, which meant he wanted to race with me.

At that time, we stopped at the traffic light to start the race to the end of the street. When the traffic light went green we drove very fast and we were at the same speed and I drove my car like a racing car but my car was not a racing car. That's when the accident happened.

I stopped to check the people who had the accident to see if they were fine or not. They were good but were a little dizzy because they hit the steering wheel. We took them to hospital for a checkup. The doctor said they were fine and just needed a rest.

Unfortunately, the hospital called the police. When the police came to ask us about what happened. We almost said every thing. They said we should have to go to the police station. They just gave us a fine. It cost $300. They said do not do it again or we will take your cars and put you into jail for one month.

Was almost lost our lives in this race and other people who did not do anything at all could have lost their lives because of us. We were like crazy boys. We did not actually know what we were doing at that time.

The Story of a Morning

Hussain (Sayed) Al Sadah

When I was a final year student at my high school I remember that I had to do a presentation to be ready for university in the future and to be fluent. When you do a presentation in advance.

One day my teacher asked me to do a presentation about advice for any one who will study at university. In that time I was thinking of giving my classmates some advice about how to deal with the lecturer and your university classmates.

The second part of my presentation was ‘being late is a serious problem and there are no excuses for that’.

As I remember I was ready for that because I already knew someone who was a student at university so he helped me in my subject from his experience and I found everything was ok.

Three days before the due date of the presentation I practiced my presentation in front of my sister and brother four times so I was just waiting for the presentation due day to do it in front of my teacher an my classmates.

On the due date I was so happy and ready for my presentation at the same time and as usual I had to drop my younger sister and brother in front of their school before going to my school but something happened by coincidence. My young brother had left his bag at home and he realized that when he was ready to go out of the car to go to his school then he noticed that he was light, which is unusual for him when he goes to school.

He asked me to go back home with him and pick up his bag and that was what I did. In the same time my mother saw his bag in the living room and realized that her son had forgotten his bag so she called a taxi to go to his school and that was at the same time I was going back home and she took the taxi before I arrived. My brother got out of the car to go and look for his bag and he spent a long time searching for his bag and he was screaming for my mother to ask her about the bag but there was on answer. I decided to drop him back at his school again without his bag. When I arrived there I saw my mother holding his bag and ready to jump in to the taxi to go back home. By good fortune she saw me and came to give my brother his bag.

I went to my school 15 minutes late and all my classmates were waiting for me to do my presentation, that is talking about there is on excuses for being late at all. So all the people who were listening to me thought that I was hypocrite.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Don't Trust Cows

Araceli Munoz

I like travelling very much. Sometimes, in my trips, I enjoy a lot, but sometimes I have had some mishaps. In these circumstances, I have felt uncomfortable, sad, angry, tired, exhausted and even desperate. But when I remember them I think about them only as a part of my travels. It’s very strange but sometimes we forget bad moments and even sometimes we explain them like a fun thing.

Twelve years ago I travelled around North India with my husband. India is a wonderful and amazing country. Their people are very nice and pleasant and you can feel them very close. A particular spice smell covers their places and the colours of their saris cover their towns. Their culture contrasts with European culture, and I saw everything like I had opened my eyes for the first time.

After a month visiting Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh we visited the city of Agra. Then, we decided to go on a trip to a natural reserve that was a few hours from the city. We departed at 9 a.m in a very old car without an air conditioner. The weather was extremely hot, maybe it was to 45 º C, and the humidity stuck to the skin of our bodies like a fine silk. We travelled all the time with the windows opened and I felt in my face the heat and the dust that went through it. Our guide and driver drove the white car while he listened to a cassette of Indian music. He only had two cassettes, so we listened to the same music once and again during the month and a half that our travel lasted.

After three hours in the way, we arrived at the natural reserve. In the entry of the reserve we rented two old and heavy bicycles and we began to pedal. There weren’t signs in the way and we didn’t have a road map of the natural park (or the fantastic GPS that we bought some years later), so we decided to go straight and to remember the forks that we crossed. We only needed one hour to get lost. Along the way, we could only see cows and monkeys. The heat was so stifling and the air was so hot that we found it hard to breathe. The day before it had been raining and the track was full of mud. The mud stuck in the wheels and chains of the bicycles and pedalling was very difficult. I felt that with mud the bicycles were much heavier than when we rented them.

I said to my husband: “We should accept that we are lost”, and he answered me: “Ok. We should follow the cows, because cow never get lost”. We followed the cows about one hour, but at the end we were more lost than before. Sweat covered all my body and I was exhausted and desperate. Then, I threw the bicycle on the ground and I began to swear aloud (only cows and monkeys could hear me anyway). I was annoyed and I said all the swear-words that I knew. My ears were smoking and my eyes were on the verge of tears. I said to my husband: “I am leaving the bicycle and I continue on foot”. He answered me: “Please, hold on a bit longer. You will see how we will soon find the right way. Tomorrow you will remember this and you will laugh when you explain it”.

We continued to walk carrying our bicycles. One hour later, we arrived at a research centre building situated in the middle of the natural reserve. We could drink a cola (I don’t like cola a lot but that day it tasted like heaven) and the people from the centre explained to us how we could go back to the exit of the reserve. Next week, we explained this story to our friends and, as my husband predicted, we laughed a lot.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Li Weimin (Wayne)

If you want to know my mishap, I will tell you there are lots of mishaps I have had. As a matter of fact, I am a careless boy. I remember the worst mishap while I was a second school student.

The story happened this way. First of all, I should start this story back in the afternoon of that day. I was going to have a break after lunch as usual. That day, my mom was too busy so she couldn’t go back home for lunch and she had been working until 7 PM. Unfortunately, I forgot to set my alarm clock when I had a break. Therefore, you know, I was late for school almost 1hour. Besides, my head teacher gave me a lesson strictly. I was so depression and unhappy during class.

After school, I was going back home. But, it gave me a shock, I had no bus card in my pocket when I got on the bus. What’s worse, I also did not have any coins. So, the bus driver couldn’t let me on. In the end, I had to go home on foot. The length of going home is nearly 7 km. It’s too long so as to make me exhausted and thirsty. Finally, I arrived home and I felt so happy because of having a rest and cup of water in the house.

But, I could not find my keys when I wanted to open the door. You know what a bad luck. I felt down a lot. I complained how careless you are and hated myself. I watched the time that’s 5:50 pm. I tried to phone my mom, but she couldn’t leave early. So, I had to sit in front of my door waiting my mom for over one hour.

Drama In The Garden

Fatmah Al Naser

One year ago I visited my grandmother with my children. She lives in Jeddah which is a main city in Saudi Arabia, the city where my mother was born. She has a big beautiful house with a huge garden and a lovely view in a beach. Her garden has many kinds of followers and many colors of trees. It is an amazing place. She always spends a long time playing with my children and they love her very much.

When we arrived in Jeddah she had prepared a B.Q party in her garden. The weather was very nice that day and the kids enjoyed, they were happy.

During this time my grandmother took my sons and she started to play with a ball with them. After that my son threw the ball strongly to her then she fell down and she could not stand up because she is an elderly woman. She has asthma and high blood pressure so she could not breathe and my children tried to carry her, but they could not and she shouted "help me.. help me!" But no body heard her. After five minutes my son came to me and told me that my grandmother needs help. After that I ran with my son to see her on the ground, and she could not speak. I called the ambulance and I tried to carry her but she is very heavy. I was very panicked and my children were crying and afraid. I could not do any thing for her, then I cried with my children.

Finally, the ambulance arrived and took her to a hospital. She spent three days at the hospital. Now she is fine and I miss her very much.

I learned from this situation to stay with elderly people all the time and look after them especially if they have health problems.

What Happens When A Benz Hits A Pedicab?

Jingyi Zheng

Everybody has experienced some mishaps,including me.Although the mishaps have passed for a long time,we can't forget them.We have deep impressions of them.

Now, following ever-increasing Chinese people's living standards and ever-growing Chinese economy. Traffic is more and more developed.But it is not good thing for me,because every time when I get on the cars, I feel very vertiginous.So I usually take something just like a bicycle,they only have three wheels,but they are well ventilated.We called them pedicabs.But my habit changed when I was 9 years old.That day,I got a fever.My mother took me to the hospital.It was a snowy day,there was thick ice on the road.When we began to return to home,my mother wanted to take a taxi,because it was too cold and I was sick.But I did not agree.So my mother took a pedicab.When we got to a fork in a road,the traffic light became green, so we continued.But when we got in the middle of the road, suddenly a Benz drove to us.I felt the pedicab slip on the ice for a few seconds,then began to dip,my mother hugged me closely,finally the pedicab stopped slipping.The glass of the pedicab's windows were broken.The window which was near me broke completely.One piece of the glass stood up and hurt the skin of my face.Then the policeman came and researched the accident.They said that the driver of the Benz drank too much then drove the Benz,so led to the accident. Finally the driver of the Benz had his driver's licence endorsed.

From then on, I don't take pedicabs.I will choose to take buses or walk to some place.Although mishaps are not good things for us,they are really a part of our life.They are unforgetable experiences.

Accidents Do Happen

Yuko Iwata

The accident happened on Saturday morning. On the day, some of my friends were supposed to come to my place for lunch, so I had been very busy since the morning. After cleaning the room, I found that I needed to go shopping to the supermarket. Then I went out from my house in a rush. There were two cars in front of my house and all of the doors were opened widely. A few boys who looked University students seemed to be moving. I said, “Hello” and jumped into the car, but after a 10 meter drive, soon I noticed that I didn’t have my purse. I drove back but I couldn’t pull my car over to near my garage because of their cars. I had to park in the corner on the small grassland by the roadside. I took my purse and started my car again. Suddenly, I heard a big strange noise. It sounded like a snapping on a branch. I stopped the car and got out. There was a small but thick wooden stake in the grass. The left hand side of the front door of my car was crushed and dented. I hadn’t recognized there was a stake in the grass until that time. Oh My God! My car, a new TOYOTA, I had driven for only 2 months.

The boys flocked around my car. One of them was very kind and coached me how to release the car from the stake. He also told me where I should bring the car for repair. Anyway, I said, “Thank you” He said, “It’s OK. Have a nice weekend.” I answered in a small voice “It’s impossible……” But, to tell the truth, I wanted to say, “If you hadn’t parked your cars in front of my house, I wouldn’t have had such a mishap! “

Glass In the Swimming Pool!

Afnan Khadawurdi

A mishap occurred fifteen years ago when I was studying at primary school. Every holiday in the summer we used to spend with my family, aunts and cousins. We often went to another city near my city. Called Jeddah. It is on the red sea cost and it has a beautiful beach. One holiday as usual we went to Jeddah with my family and my cousins. We spent around seven or six days in a nice house. By the way every day from the morning we swam in the sea then we took a rest in the afternoon. After that we completed the swimming in the swimming pool.

One day in the afternoon when we were swimming in a swimming pool one of my cousins who was 3 or 4 years old was drinking a juice. After he finished he threw it into swimming pool and as a result it broke. My cousin didn’t know about the bottle and she walked on it.

I was swimming beside her and I saw the color of water change to red around her. I asked her what is this color around you? I thought it was the color of the juice. Then she told me that she felt a pain in her foot. I told her to get out of the pool. After we got out I saw the scariest picture I have ever had. Her right foot was bleeding and had a very big cut maybe 8 or 10 centimeters. She cried and I went to call my father and my uncle. I was very afraid.

Then they took her to a hospital and put 15 stitches in her foot and she couldn’t walk on it for one month. I don’t like remembering this mishap. It is the worst experience in my life.

A Mishap on the Road to Mecca

Mustafa Al Saeed

Two years ago, I decided to go Mecca in the summer, because it was cheap and it has good conditions. Mecca is in the west of Saudi Arabia and my city is on the east of it. There is about a thousand and three hundred kilometers between my city and Mecca. It was everything good in first.

I got the bus that I should go by, and then we stopped in the middle of the trip. A driver told us you have an hour and half to finished praying and eating dinner. In fact I prayed and ate my dinner and then I needed the bathroom. I was late going more than 10 minutes. I went out, and no bus. Then I asked some people who work in that station about the bus, and just one of them said it was gone. I asked about if I could get a taxi or something like that, also they said no, because this is a place very way a far from cities. They said you could go with any bus that is not full, but we don’t want you go with any one of them, because some of the drivers are criminals. So I decided to brainstorm to solve this problem. I called my brother and I asked him if he could give me the phone number for that bus company which I traveled with, and he gave me the phone number. Than I called the tourist group, and I told them about what had happened.

After an hour the bus came to me and the driver was blaming, so I asked him why did you go without check a people whom are with you. He said no I told you all about you had to come after an hour and a half.

I told my family and my friends about this story they said, yeah it was not good luck but you should relax if you face something not good, because your mind doesn’t work while you are worried.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So you think you know what's good for you?

Mohammed Al Munsef

It is a truth that there are a lot of things you can do to become well. For example, playing sport, running, walking and eating fruit everyday. However, others things can be bad for us like smoking, watching television for a long time and also not doing exercise. In my opinion, if you care about your health, you are going to do the right things to be well.

These days, I usually do not do a lot of sports. I always walk for 15 minutes every day before I go to school. Also on the weekend, I do some activities with my friends. Sometimes, we go to the gym to play basketball or go for a walk for two hours along St Kida beach in the morning. We have walked up Signal Hill for 4 hours, and then went down.

In Saudi Arabia, I played football with my friends every day but now I do not play it. Sometimes if the weather is bad I do not exercise outside. I do a little at home like working out.

What do we actually eat in our lives? It is important for us to know what we eat? Is it good or bad for our health? It is most important to have breakfast in the morning because breakfast gives you a chance to start each day healthily. It also lays the foundation for lifelong health benefits. Nowadays, I often eat breakfast. When we eat breakfast, we are likely to get vitamins and minerals and also have better concentration and productivity throughout the morning. It keeps our brain working all day.

There are many diets and the general consensus is that the following food types are good for our health: Fruit and Vegetables, Raw foods or food that is cooked as little as possible, Complex carbohydrates, Essential Fatty Acids (Fish, Nuts, Seeds) and Protein, These foods are considered by most experts to be bad for you: Refined carbohydrates (White Bread, White Rice, White Pasta), Sugar and Saturated Fat.

So it should be as simple as eating more from the first list and less from the second and we are well on the way to healthy eating. But of course it is not that simple because we want to enjoy our food and feel full after we eat.

What is good for you?

Afnan Khadawurdi

These days our life has changed because life has already changed to be faster and modern. And we have to fulfill responsibilities such as at school, home and work. Sometimes we feel exhausted and very bored. This is bad for our health and our life. So, we must think about things to make our life very interesting and happy.

Currently, every person is looking for things that are good for him. Personally, I have a lot of things are good for me and make me happy. For example, doing gentle exercises is very good for my body and I feel energetic because I want to be slim and healthy. I also, can breathe clean air. Sleeping is very important in my life. When I sleep enough time at night I will be active in the morning and I want do difficult work but sometimes I’m not able to sleep very well because my daughter often wakes up several times at night. Eating fruit and vegetables is good for my health because they contain a lot of vitamins. I like eating chocolate very much. I don't think it is healthy but I read in one study I will feel happy. Reading books, magazines and stories is very interesting as I can find more useful information about plenty of countries, cultures and fashion. Nowadays I prefer to read English stories to improve my skills in reading. I find it very exciting and enjoyable.

Travelling is also thrilling and I can explore a lot of cities and learn more traditional culture like food, clothes and society.

I recommend giving up smoking, going to bed early and waking up early, drinking a lot of water and less coffee. Finally, leave every thing, which makes you feel depressed and bored. Rather, just have fun.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What's Good For Us

Weimin Li (Wayne)

In my opinion, I think the most important thing that’s good for us is doing exercise. The reason why I think that’s important namely is no matter who, you can’t refuse doing exercise, otherwise you will get sick easily. To do daily exercise will enhance your immune system, keeping viruses away from you and prolonging your life. And behold, we don’t need to do exercise like someone who is professional, but we must keep doing exercise at least one hour each day. Such as going jogging, walking, biking, or playing sports games and so on. If you keep doing it every day, I bet you will be the healthiest guy in the world, won’t you?
Next, eating healthy food, which makes sure you have a good body, meanwhile, is fairly important, just the same as doing exercise. It is the key to prolong your wellbeing. For example, eat vegetables with your meal every day, because everyone needs some substances from vegetables which are essential for our health, like vitamin C and protein. Importantly, to keep fit doesn’t mean you just eat vegetables. You also need to eat meat, fruit and rice … so that you can balance your diet healthier.
What is good for you is not only physical fitness, but it’s also based on spiritual matters. I mean that to keep a positive mood all the time is so important to you. However, how do we do that? For example, when somebody feels sad, they will often lock themselves alone in a room and cry over what happened at them. It’s a bad action when you feel upset. On the contrary, what we should do is to think in a positive way and not care about our grievances too much. And we can also share our troubles with friends and parents. They will try their best to help us.
So I think that’s all that will be good for us. Do you agree?

Neither Too Much, Nor Too Little: Use Common Sense

Araceli Munoz

Defining what things or practices are healthy or unhealthy is very important in our life: it establishes what we have to eat and to do, how we should live and how our lifestyle has to be and even our sleep position.

Everybody knows that a donut and a fizzy drink is less healthy than a plate of vegetables and a glass of milk. As in everything, you can eat them but moderately. We know that a lot of foods and drinks contain a set of products which we shouldn’t abuse, but, as it has been demonstrated through this century, people won’t stop drinking or eating them until their harmful effects are demonstrated. A similar discussion took place in the 60s regarding tobacco. And although, nowadays, everybody knows that tobacco can cause cancer, big state advertising campaigns have been necessary in order for people to realize its risks.

We pass through life looking for a magic brew not to have to make an effort to achieve our goals, or to justify our preferences, pleasures, lifestyle or just our slackness. Sweets not fatting, machines to lose weight without making an effort … they are more attractive perspectives that eating an insipid leaf of lettuce or running four kilometres.

We need scientific conclusions in order to certify or to deny things that common sense says to us, and everyday life confirms to us. In science we can find technical proofs and justifications for all the options that we wish.

But also, currently, we ask what is or isn’t healthy about things or situations that some years ago we had raised. Ideas about what things or social practices are healthy or unhealthy have changed as time goes by and in different cultures, but we speak like they are unique and universal.

Years ago, people said that sugar wasn’t healthy and a lot of people changed to saccharine. Nowadays, scientists say that sugar is more healthy than other sweeteners. The same things occur with sleeping position: Is it better sleeping on our back or on our stomach? Maybe scientists now say something but they can change their opinion in the future.

Moreover, the culture of the aesthetics, body and health has been changing over time and in different cultures too. In the same way, the association of body with health and illness has changed a lot. The time is long gone when a fat body was seen as healthy and a thin body was seen as sickly.

A few centuries ago, painters painted elegant women with many curves, large and with cellulite. Who would have said to them that the feminine model in the 21st century might be a woman with muscles and underweight. But also it’s true that habits and customs have changed too. Diets are much richer in proteins, fat and carbohydrates than in the past and people tend to move less and have more static habits.

As in most issues, it is necessary to use more common sense. In sport and in diet, neither too much nor too little: it doesn’t have to turn into an obsession but nor is it necessary to look for excuses that serve as justification for those who do not want to do exercise or eat less. Moderately, sport and a healthy diet can be a great help to improve our life’s quality.

Travel, Music & Movies

Jingyi Zheng

Everything has two sides. One is good,another is bad. I really like travelling, listening to music and watching movies. Maybe some people think these things are bad for them, because they have no value and waste time and money. But these are really good for me.
At first, I like to go to natural beauties. When I watch the clear water and soak up the beautiful sunshine I feel very pleased. Travelling helps me to broaden my mind and identify myself with the natural. Besides, it can broaden my view. This makes my life rich and colorful. And when I travel somewhere, I need to walk, climb the mountains or do other things. It's a really good practice.
Second, listening to music can relax me completely, particularly after the whole day's study. Sitting down and listening to wonderful melodies, that is fantastic.
Lastly, watching movies is a kind of visual enjoyment, because there are a lot of pretty faces. And if we watch some situation comedy, we will feel interested and happy.Keeping a nice feeling is good for us.
I don't mean keeping relaxed all the time is good for us.Sometimes we need a little pressure. If we have pressure, we will work hard. This will reinforce our life. And through our hard work,we will achieve our goals. Then we will have a sense of success. So we will be quite satisfied. That is a happy thing too,isn't it!

What’s Good For Me?

Yuko Iwata

I think being in good relationships is good for me. We can’t live alone. Family, friends, teachers, colleagues, neighbors, I need everyone and they are important for me. When I want to get along with them, I’ll try not to expect too much though. We are not the same, and of course my feelings are different from other people. So we should not force someone to have the same emotions or the same opinions.

I like traveling, I like chatting, I like eating out, but I can’t enjoy everything without company.

If I can be honest, I think taking it easy is the best way to enjoy our life. Time is most important for me, so I don’t want to spend my valuable time with someone or something that I don’t really like.

I believe that our feeling of happiness depends on self-satisfaction. We should not expect others to do something. For example, when I treat my friend with all my might but he doesn’t notice my effort or he doesn’t say “Thank you”, I should not feel bad or decide that he is impolite. Because I did it for me and maybe I wanted to treat him. If I think so, my life will be peaceful.

I would like to have happy laughing time as much as I can. If I can laugh a lot of times in my life, I will be very happy and I can say “my life is successful.” We should remember when we feel good. We had better forget something unhappy.

Also I agree with this proverb “A sound mind in a sound body.” So eating healthy breakfasts, doing proper exercises, forgetting unhappy matters and remembering happy memories is advisable. Such an approach is simple but very useful. Anyway I will make every effort to keep this way for my body and mind’s health.