Fatmah Al Naser
Nowadays, with advanced technology and improvement in knowledge, having children in old age for women is become easy by fertilization techniques. Many people believe that women should be allowed to have babies at this age because this makes the women's lives better and happier. Also women in their fifties or sixties have good experience and more knowledge. In addition, sophisticated technology makes everything possible. However, other people have a different opinion about that. They think it is high cost and illegal in some countries. Also what will happen to this baby in the future?
First of all, the people who believe in having a baby in old age, support their opinion by saying that life without children is like a flower with no smell. For instance, one of my relatives did not have children. She was sad most of the time, but when her doctor told her she could get a baby although she is an elderly woman, her life completely changed and became happy. Moreover, women in this age have good experience and knowledge to educate their children and they guarantee the best life for them. Also the mother at this age has a lot of money to spend on her child to give him a high quality education and good care. Her baby in that case will have a beautiful and a successful future. As well new technology makes the impossible things possible. In the UK there are many successful operations to get a baby.
On the other hand, this kind of operation is very expensive and is not available in most countries. Getting a baby cost my relative a lot of money, approximately $ 50,000, but because she is rich she could do that. My neighbor in Saudi Arabia has similar circumstances but she does not have enough money to get a baby. Besides that, in many countries fertilization techniques are illegal; it depends on governments and religion. Also this technique is not accepted in many nations, because something like that is unusual and needs more time to become normal. Moreover, the baby in that case will face difficulty in the future to understand his mother and the gap between two generations will be very big and his mother probably will die early to leave him alone, so his life will become miserable and depressing. An example of this is my sister's friend. The gap between her and her mother is fifty three years and she is not polite with her mother and she describes her mother's way as old fashioned. She was rebellious against her mother.
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